wellpoint dewatering, water wellpoint screen

Wellpoint dewatering structure and working principle

Typically each wellpoint is approximately 6 m deep and about 30 to 50 mm in diameter (also sometimes used deeper and larger wellpoint). The horizontal spacing between wellpoints is usually between 1m or longer. The lower section of each wellpoint has a wedge wire filter and the top of each well is equipped with a soft connecting pipe. The soft pipe connects each wellpoint to the header pipe laid along the line of the wellpoints. A wellpoint pump is connected to the header pipe, it can pumping both air and water. The pump creates a partial vacuum in theheader pipe, which acts to draw water through the wellpoint screen (wedge wire filter), up the wellpoint riser, through the soft connecting pipe, along the header pipe and to the pump from where it is discharged. In this way a single wellpoint pump can act on many wellpoints simultaneously and can possibly lower groundwater levels over a wide area. 

More information: https://www.zhfil.com/wedge-wire-filter/wellpoint-dewatering.html 



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